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Name of Organisation
erfasst als
Gründungsjahr: 1996

surfacetension – aus Gründen subversiver Originalität zusammengeschrieben – gibt es länger, als das nach ihnen benannte physikalische Phänomen der Oberflächenspannung. Dennoch weigern sich die fünf zeitlosen Unterhosenmodels beharrlich erwachsen zu werden, „Warum auch?“, fragen sie und genießen es sichtlich, die Luft um sie herum mit meisterlich in Handarbeit gefertigten Rockschallwellen zu füllen bis das letzte Ohr im Saal verzückt das Handtuch wirft und das dazugehörige Gehirn zwingt, das Album noch vor Ort zu erwerben. Nur um so wenigstens die Illusion genießen zu können die fünf Edelrockprostituierten mit nach Hause genommen zu haben. Musikalisch bleibt noch zu sagen “Rock ain’t dead, it just smells funny”, oder frei nach Steve Martin: “Talking about music is like dancing about architecture“.

100% pure Rockmusic with just the right amount of lunacy.


  • 2011: Watch Yourself (EP)
  • 2007: Empty the Trash Can (EP)
  • 2004: Above (LP)

unter anderem als Support von Dog Eat Dog, Sportfreunde Stiller, Binder & Krieglstein, Sans Secours, Red Lights Flash, Schönheitsfehler, Kinderzimmer Productions, Heinz, Alkbottle, Defrage, Psycho Path, Elvis Jackson, Mono & Nikitaman



... i didnt expect that much of a hardcore show when i entered the youth center at 8pm. there were like 7 or 8 punk-looking kids hangin around and not much up yet. the show should start at 9. about 15 minutes before the 1st band shouldve started the guys at the door got a bit busier - and eventually there were i guess about 70 people there. first the local band 'fela' played a 40 minutes long set... well... it was about 30 minutes too long. according to the flyers it was "alternativ hc"... they tried to play a mix of korn and gutterpunk and seemed pretty insecure on stage. plus the sound was really shitty. it doesnt mean they dont have the potential.. but theres still a lot to be developed. so everyone was waiting for surface tension and most of the people didnt really expect a lot more than what they just had seen. but it was different. the band sounded a lot different than on their demo. a lot harder... and they rocked the house... punk parts, mosh parts, rock parts - just a great mix... and the kids thanked the band with a pretty impressive pit if you consider that i was such a little crowd there. all in all i was surprised by their show and can recommend them to every organizer who still is looking for a band to heat on the crowd!

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Empfohlene Zitierweise
mica (Aktualisierungsdatum: 23. 2. 2020): surfacetension. In: Musikdatenbank von mica – music austria. Online abrufbar unter: (Abrufdatum: 7. 2. 2025).