Forging the sward | Deadlands | Aba Kadabra | No Honor for You | Promise | A New Owl | We Need a King | Paradoxon | The Fallen Son | Dark Magic | Inside the Tower | Merlin | Dirty Toad | Omen | Morpheus | I Will Find You All | The Three Wizzards | Scrumtime | Abraxas | Change the Side
Titel: Forging the sward | Deadlands | Aba Kadabra | No Honor for You | Promise | A New Owl | We Need a King | Paradoxon | The Fallen Son | Dark Magic | Inside the Tower | Merlin | Dirty Toad | Omen | Morpheus | I Will Find You All | The Three Wizzards | Scrumtime | Abraxas | Change the Side
Plattform: YouTube
Herausgeber: Felix Bernhard Huber – Thema
Empfohlene Zitierweise
mica (Aktualisierungsdatum: 8. 6. 2021): Huber Felix Bernhard . The Wizzards. In: Musikdatenbank von mica – music austria. Online abrufbar unter: https://db.musicaustria.at/node/203208 (Abrufdatum: 8. 1. 2025).