The Austrian trio Threeo, lead by guitarist Gerald Gradwohl, is a vibrant fusion trio augmented by the presence of tenorman Bob Berg on this their latest cd. The group has a funky, high energy approach to fusion, as evidenced on their rhythm-changes tribute to Tribal Tech, "Technotronic" which features fine solos from the entire band. For fans of modern fusion with an edge!
Band/Ensemble Mitglied
Gradwohl Gerald (Gitarre, Synthesizer)
Wograndl Wolfgang (Bass)
Filz Richard (Schlagzeug, Percussion)
Modern Fusion mit Ecken und Kanten.
- 1998: Live! feat. Bob Berg (Extraplatte)
- 1995: Racing Time (Bellaphon)
- 1992: Threeo feat.Rick Margitza (Ixthuluh)
There are JazzRock-Formations that even kick ass jazz-wet blankets. Threeo is surly one of them.
An interesting Austrian trio: They dash through the well-proved jazz-rock-scenery - but they do it masterly and with style!
It's beautiful to see how diversified and surprising in a discreet way music like this still can be, when you let young talents do their stuff, instead of throwing "big names dices" in the GRP way.
Gitarre & Bass
Once there are beats that rock your feet, once there are eccentric rhythms where you can lose the time quite easily - top of the heap music in Dolby Surround Sound!
Audio live
With this terrific performance Threeo doubtlessly is one of the big hopes of the Austrian jazz scene.
Jazz Pub News
Groovy rhythms, harmony in playing together, powerful arrangements and borderless fun in playing together - I'd wish there were more jazz like that!!!
Best Jazz Album: THREEO - Live!
Concerto Poll
This live recording contains great playing!
Links Threeso
Empfohlene Zitierweise
mica (Aktualisierungsdatum: 23. 2. 2020): Threeo. In: Musikdatenbank von mica – music austria. Online abrufbar unter: (Abrufdatum: 7. 2. 2025).