Fotografin: Odile Marchoul ©
1994 - 1998 Universität für angewandte Kunst Wien Wien Studiengang "Skulptur", Abschluss mit Diplom
1991 - 2001 WURF: Mitbegründer der Musik-Installations-Performancegruppe
freischaffender Künstler
1999 Amt der Steirischen Landesregierung Förderungspreis für Bildende Kunst
2006 Amt der Steirischen Landesregierung Förderungspreis
2008 Studio for Electro-Instrumental Music STEIM "scholarship and soundperformance"
2010 Amt der Steirischen Landesregierung Förderpreis des Landes Steiermark für zeitgenössische Bildende Kunst
2013 Preisträger beim 33. Österreichischen Graphikwettbewerb
minimale Elektronik, Phonografie
Heribert Friedl 2004
17. März 2004
The trampling of digital leaves underfoot, the sewer manhole cover is dragged aside, revealing the echoes from the cavern below. This is the image that comes to my audio mind when I listen to this mp3 release by Heribert Friedl. Friedl hails from Vienna, Austria and is active in visual and sound installations. This work is definitely on the quiet side and I had to crank it up to hear the rustling and crackling sounds that fill these tracks. Occasionally a sound will leap forth but for the most part this is quiet music. The track entitled Lotic departs from the pallet of crunching sounds and feels like sitting inside a ventilation duct as the air passes by you and you shift your body to get comfortable (if such a thing were possible being inside such a small space). Friedl skillfully places the sounds within his audio space. This is a good release to play in the background and see how it interacts with your sonic environment.
Vital Weekly (Jeff Surak)
Empfohlene Zitierweise
mica (Aktualisierungsdatum: 23. 2. 2020): Biografie Heribert Friedl. In: Musikdatenbank von mica – music austria. Online abrufbar unter: (Abrufdatum: 23. 1. 2025).