Schlagzeug (1)
"This piece is dedicated to the Whopper swan, Finnish national bird. I performed the piece on a quiet day, no wind on the performance site. At times, a hum could be heard in the distance, probably from the nearby radar. The swans started calling soon after I had begun making my own noises. Some individuals flew across the performance site, sounding out. A large flock of birds gathered in a peaceful bay nearby and continued their communication, long after sunset.
I had fun doing some processing with the sounds. I think the swans would like it that way, too."
Pia Palme [2018]
November 2018 - Örö, Finnland
Mitwirkende: Pia Palme (Schlagzeug)
Weitere Informationen: Aufgeführt während einer Künstlerresidenz in Örö, Finnland
Titel: Noisy Swans
Herausgeber: Pia Palme
Datum: November 2018
Mitwirkende: Pia Palme (Schlagzeug)
Empfohlene Zitierweise
mica (Aktualisierungsdatum: 28. 1. 2021): Palme Pia . Noisy Swans. In: Musikdatenbank von mica – music austria. Online abrufbar unter: (Abrufdatum: 7. 3. 2025).