Flöte (1), Oboe (1), Klarinette (1), Fagott (1), Horn (1), Trompete (1), Tuba (1), Violine (2), Viola (1), Violoncello (1), Kontrabass (1), Elektronik (1)
"muzART is based on the C-major piano sonata K.545 (sonata facile) by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart. The original material was altered, layered and manipulated in many different ways and reorchestrated for two soloists and
chamber orchestra (1111 1110 1 11111) with the addition of electronic processings and three pre-produced recordings. Not a single note was added by the composer. All musical material with the exception of the pre-produced recordings, is derived from the piano sonata.
muzART was motivated by my great admiration for Mozart's music but is also a commentary on the classical music industry, which is characterized by standardized mass-production not dissimilar to sale-oriented pop music, but while pretending to be of higher cultural and artistic value."
Empfohlene Zitierweise
mica (Aktualisierungsdatum: 31. 3. 2020): Ciciliani Marko . muzART. In: Musikdatenbank von mica – music austria. Online abrufbar unter: https://db.musicaustria.at/node/186573 (Abrufdatum: 25. 2. 2025).