Orchestercode: Pos - 2,Picc/2/2,Bkl/2,Kfg – 4/3/3/1 – Pk, 2 Perc, Hf – 12/10/8/8/6
Solo: Posaune (1)
Piccoloflöte (1), Flöte (2), Oboe (2), Englischhorn (1), Klarinette (2), Bassklarinette (1), Fagott (2), Kontrafagott (1), Horn (4), Trompete (3), Posaune (3), Tuba (1), Pauke (1), Perkussion (2), Harfe (1), Akkordeon (1), Violine (22), Viola (8), Violoncello (8), Kontrabass (6)
"My Trombone Concerto was composed in 2015/16. I wrote it for Mike Svoboda; the sonic beauty of his playing, his great musicality and the clear rationality of his thinking had already impressed me at our first meeting in Basel. I decided to refrain from drawing on Mike’s explorations of newer playing techniques and instead focus on the instrument’s historical vocabulary.
As in many of my pieces, I worked here with contrasting sections: a tonal harmonic quotation (with some quartertone shadings) at the start, an expressive middle section based on emotionally-charged speech melodies (leading to a drawn-out climax), and a songlike ending whose melody consists of very small microtonal steps. There is also a meta-level – removed from the immediate expressivity of the music – in the form of recollections of Armin Köhler, who was a trombonist himself and commissioned me to write the piece."
Georg Friedrich Haas, Werkbeschreibung, Ricordi Berlin, abgerufen am 22.07.2021 [https://www.ricordi.com/de-DE/Catalogue.aspx/details/442845]
Auftrag: SWR Symphonieorchester, Wien Modern, Wiener Konzerthaus, ORF Radio Symphonieorchester Wien, gefördert durch Ernst von Siemens Musikstiftung
16. Oktober 2016 - Donaueschingen
Veranstalter: Donaueschinger Musiktage
Mitwirkende: Mike Svoboda (Posaune), SWR Symphonieorchester, Alejo Pérez (Dirigent)
Empfohlene Zitierweise
mica (Aktualisierungsdatum: 22. 7. 2021): Haas Georg Friedrich . Konzert für Posaune und Orchester. In: Musikdatenbank von mica – music austria. Online abrufbar unter: https://db.musicaustria.at/node/191575 (Abrufdatum: 4. 3. 2025).