Countertenor (1), Barockoboe (1), Blockflöte (1, Barockaltblockflöte u. moderne Kontrabassblockflöte), Theorbe (1), Live-Elektronik
"About the compositional process of this work: As a composer, I listen to my surroundings, I listen into the world. Listening, I reach inside phenomena. My visual perception lingers at the surface. In my everyday life, in my urban environment, an abundance of shiny surfaces entices me to look, to buy, to consume. Metal, plastic, glass, lights, gadgets, shop windows, cars, screens … surfaces dazzle my eyes and mind."
Pia Palme (2015)
Auftrag: Festival Wienmodern 2015
26. November 2015 - Wien, Wiener Konzerthaus - Berio Saal
Mitwirkende: Jakob Huppmann (Countertenor), David Bergmüller (Theorbe), Molly McDolan (Barockoboe), Christina Bauer (live-electronics and sound design), Pia Palme (Blockflöten)
Titel: Under Elephantine Skin
Plattform: SoundCloud
Herausgeber: palmeworks
Datum: 8. August 2018
Mitwirkende: Jakob Huppmann (Countertenor), David Bergmüller (Theorbe), Molly McDolan (Barockoboe), Christina Bauer (live-electronics and sound design), Pia Palme (Blockflöten)
Weitere Informationen: Live recorded 2015
Empfohlene Zitierweise
mica (Aktualisierungsdatum: 9. 2. 2021): Palme Pia . Under Elephantine Skin. In: Musikdatenbank von mica – music austria. Online abrufbar unter: (Abrufdatum: 7. 3. 2025).