"SETZUNG 1.1 (2014) is a work for actress/vocalist, in which I explored a conception of the membranes as intermediary. This work extends my interest in the use of objects, e.g. wood-en boxes, feathers, cardboard and paper constructions not only for their musical or scenic potential, but as externalisations of compositional thinking. The work and its performance are framed as an installation: a huge translucent print of the score is used as a graphic mem-brane on stage, separating the vocalist and the audience. The translucent score is a state-ment about my compositional process, a potential space between a state of mind and sonic outcome. For the conception of the membrane, I draw on the observations of D. W. Winnicott about a third intermediary between the ‘inner’ and the ‘outer’ domains of a personality, where communication and creative exchange are located. Key issues of composition, text, notation and performance are tied to a highly personal and artistic reflection about a historical figure, the Baroque writer and nun Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz (Mexico, 1648 - 1695)."
Pia Palme (2014)
Auftrag: Cercle – Konzertreihe für neue Musik, Wien 2014
2014 - WIen, off-Theater
Mitwirkende: Michaela Schausberger, Pia Palme (handwritten score and setting)
Weitere Informationen: Supported by the composition scholarship 2014 of the BKA Kunst Austria.
Titel: SETZUNG 1.1 (Palme 2014)
Plattform: Vimeo
Herausgeber: Palmeworks
Datum: 16. Oktober 2014
Mitwirkende: Michaela Schausberger, Palme Pia (handwritten score and setting)
Empfohlene Zitierweise
mica (Aktualisierungsdatum: 18. 2. 2021): Palme Pia . SETZUNG 1.1. In: Musikdatenbank von mica – music austria. Online abrufbar unter: (Abrufdatum: 7. 3. 2025).