Schlaginstrument (1, Mattetoline)
Vor-Ort Aufführung
"All over the island, sturdy and foldable metal racks – Finn. mattoteline – are installed near living quarters or holiday homes, for hanging carpets or laundry. They serve multiple functions. This mattoteline stands near the sauna and a group of holiday cottages. I am attracted to their sound: a multipurpose outdoor version of tubular bells. I use crude wooden beaters that I found nearby; handling the pieces of wood, I aim at simple sonic structures."
Pia Palme [2018]
November 2018 - Örö, Finnland
Mitwirkende: Pia Palme (Mattoteline)
Weitere Informationen: Aufgeführt während einer Künstlerresidenz in Örö, Finnland. Die Residenz wurde vom Örö Residency Program und von den SKE Funds Austria unterstützt.
Titel: Mattetoline #1
Herausgeber: Pia Palme
Datum: November 2018
Mitwirkende: Pia Palme (Mattoteline)
Weitere Informationen: "For recording this performance, I used an AKG contact mic. Listening inside… outside weather: around 7° and a stiff breeze. As it turned out, the wind had shifted around my iphone on its stand, during the visual recording." Pia Palme [2018]
Empfohlene Zitierweise
mica (Aktualisierungsdatum: 28. 1. 2021): Palme Pia . Mattetoline #1. In: Musikdatenbank von mica – music austria. Online abrufbar unter: (Abrufdatum: 22. 1. 2025).