Flöte (1), Oboe (1), Klarinette (1), Horn (1), Fagott (1)
Bezugsquelle: Edition HH
“Verworbene Pfade, verlorene Wege” (Criss-crossing Paths, Lost Trails) | “Passagen” (Passages) | “Gewächse” (Growths) | “Verirrungen, Attacken” (Aberrations, Attacks)
"Escapade was written in 2011 at the instigation of Walter Auer, flautist of the 'Orsolino wind quintet', the ensemble to whom the work is dedicated. In musical language chiefly characterized by the transference of small pitch-groups between instruments, to striking colouristic effect, the composer takes us on a journey through four short movements – “Verworbene Pfade, verlorene Wege” (Criss-crossing Paths, Lost Trails), “Passagen” (Passages), “Gewächse” (Growths) and “Verirrungen, Attacken” (Aberrations, Attacks) — leading us towards and away from momentary staging-posts en route."
Edition HH, abgerufen am 08.07.2021 [https://www.editionhh.co.uk/shop/item.aspx?itemid=545]
Widmung: Orsolino Quintett
2. Dezember 2011 - Musikverein Wien
Mitwirkende: Orsolino Quintett
Empfohlene Zitierweise
mica (Aktualisierungsdatum: 6. 6. 2024): Alcalay Luna . Escapade. In: Musikdatenbank von mica – music austria. Online abrufbar unter: https://db.musicaustria.at/node/203307 (Abrufdatum: 4. 3. 2025).