Viola (1), Elektronik (1)
Longing | Deseo | Wind (nostalgia) | Fervor (red) | Lust
Widmung: Petra Ackermann
25. März 2021 - Basel (Schweiz)
Veranstaltung: Doppelkonzert Petra Ackermann «Flamboyant Darkness» | Katharina Klement «Spiegel»
Veranstalter: internationale gesellschaft für neue musik, Basel
Mitwirkende: Petra Ackermann (Viola), Florian Bogner (Elektronik)
- Beschreibung
"At that precise moment to himself the man said:
What would I not give
to be with you in Iceland
under the grand immobile daytime
and share this now
like sharing music
or the taste of fruit.
At that precise moment
the man was together with her in Iceland.
Nostalgia for the present (Jorge Luis Borges)When we kiss my heart‘s on fire, burning with a strange desire.
And I know that every time I kiss you, that your heart‘s on fire, too.
(Doc Pomus / Elvis Presley)5 short pieces.
A rendezvous between the viola and the electronic sounds.
The instrumental part is exploring the possibilities white noise, hiss, whisper, cracking, susurrus, sighing, trembling, singing and breathing on the viola, a fetish instrument of mine. The electronic part are a sort of „audio-diary“ made of radio sounds, on the search of hidden voices, noises and messages from the aether. The radio being as well a constant fetish in my music."
Angélica Castelló (2021): Werkbeschreibung, abgerufen am 23.7.2021 [file:///C:/Users/benz/AppData/Local/Temp/Programm%20Ackermann%20-%20Klement.pdf]
Empfohlene Zitierweise
mica (Aktualisierungsdatum: 23. 7. 2021): Castelló Angélica . RED ELEGY (in five parts). In: Musikdatenbank von mica – music austria. Online abrufbar unter: (Abrufdatum: 29. 3. 2025).