Viola (1, quasi-solo), Violine (2), Violoncello (1)
"Gestalt X is the tenth and last work in the series Gestalt. As in the other works in the cycle, minor manipulations are made in the positioning to achieve different relationships between the instruments. As a result, the traditional string quartet formation is altered into a work for quasi-solo viola, accompanied by two violins and a cello part as a shadow voice, given that the cellist sits with his or her back to the audience. The work constantly refers to the other works in the series. In fact, this quartet is a collection of twelve short echoes in which new relationships between the instruments are continually sought and where the quasi-solo viola is continually given a different role to play."
International Society for Contemporary Music [2021], abgerufen am 15.12.2021 []
Auftrag: TRANSIT Festival Leuven
Widmung: Bozzini Quartet
25. November 1970 - Leuven, TRANSIT Festival
Mitwirkende: Bozzini Quartet
Weitere Informationen: musical construction for string quartet with viola as quasi-soloist
Titel: Gestalt X (string quartet)
Plattform: SoundCloud
Herausgeber: Frederik Neyrinck
Datum: 1 Februar 2015
Mitwirkende: Bozzini Quartet
Weitere Informationen: live recording during November Music 2014 by Bozzini Quartet.
Titel: Quatuor Bozzini joue Frederik Neyrinck - Gestalt X (extrait)
Plattform: YouTube
Herausgeber: Quatuor Bozzini
Datum: 14.09.2017
Mitwirkende: Bozzini Quartet
Weitere Informationen: Quatuor Bozzini: Clemens Merkel, Alissa Cheung, violons; Stéphanie Bozzini, alto; Isabelle Bozzini, violoncelle. Enregistrement: John Klepko. Commande: Festival Transit 2014 pour Quatuor Bozzini. En concert 24 avril 2015 Salon QB Chapelle Historique du Bon-Pasteur
Empfohlene Zitierweise
mica (Aktualisierungsdatum: 14. 9. 2023): Neyrinck Frederik . Gestalt X. In: Musikdatenbank von mica – music austria. Online abrufbar unter: (Abrufdatum: 23. 2. 2025).