"A pendulum swings through a space.
A video screen, constituting its pendulum bob, carves its path through the exhibition space.
It presents – from its ever changing position – a view upon another scenery.
Slowly it passes the tree and the table; and then it returns.
Although freely swaying through space it collides with objects; invisible, but audible.
A computer traces the pendulum’s position and – in a computer model – embeds it into a mathematical world where it collides and interacts with objects. This interaction between the pendulum and its mathematical surroundings provides the source for a three-dimensional soundscape.
Something is forced into motion. Slowly it returns to standstill.
Next time things will behave rather similarly.
Only the world in the computer changes."
Thomas Grill, Werkbeschreibung, Homepage des Komponisten, abgerufen am 5.12.2023 []
Weitere informationen: In Zusammenarbeit mit Volkmar Klien
Auftrag: Wien Modern and Klangraum Krems
14. - 22. November 2007 - Wien
Veranstalter: Wien Modern
Empfohlene Zitierweise
mica (Aktualisierungsdatum: 6. 12. 2023): Grill Thomas . Relative realities. In: Musikdatenbank von mica – music austria. Online abrufbar unter: (Abrufdatum: 7. 3. 2025).