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Feed me!

Feed me!
Für verstärktes Ensemble und Elektronik
Neue Musik
Elektronische Musik
Art der Publikation

"Is a piece which is strongly influenced by a hardcore / free jazz aesthetic. The starting point of the composition are 3 complex, oversaturated sound cells, which serve as the center of the work and are the cornerstones for the rest of the piece. From their explosive character, they keep evolving in different directions. From quickly stacked lines running across the ensemble, to static noise moments and quiet, almost "harmonic" passages, these various situations constantly alternate. They happen sometimes abruptly sometimes fluently. Sometimes extremely brutal then again somewhat more gently. Continuity is manipulated throughout with the aim of breaking the flow of the music to create a momentum of hectic uncertainty. In other words, constantly throwing things into disarray. In this sense, the relationship between the analog sound of the ensemble and the digital sound of the electronics is also worked out. The electronics behaves in relation to the ensemble like a digital, slightly schizophrenic twin, which is continuously distorted and processed. It picks up ideas from the ensemble, at times behaving almost like a counterpoint, only to break them again immediately. It’s a constant back and forth with a wide variety of instruments or groups of instruments. Glitchy, hectic, broken The idea is to depict the relationship / interaction / manipulation of a digital world on one side and a material (analog) reality on the other. Where interpersonal communication, news consumption, private information are in a constant stream of oversaturation. The billions of interactions happen at such high speed that dividing lines disappear. Consciousness seems to merge with this new reality. This is because the digital world is incorporated into our material/real world. It lets people live an additional, digital life. Be it as a fictional character in a video game or as an avatar on some social media feed. It is becoming more and more difficult to find a separation where one world ends and another begins. The question is...who's in charge?"
Alexander Kaiser (2021): [Werkbeschreibung], abgerufen am 16.7.2021 []

Auftrag: 2019 impuls . Verein zur Vermittlung zeitgenössischer Musik

16. August 2021 - Graz, Helmut List Halle
Veranstaltung: impuls Preisträgerkonzert
Mitwirkende: Klangforum Wien - Bas Wiegers (Dirigent)

Empfohlene Zitierweise
mica (Aktualisierungsdatum: 16. 7. 2021): Kaiser Alexander . Feed me!. In: Musikdatenbank von mica – music austria. Online abrufbar unter: (Abrufdatum: 12. 3. 2025).