Klavier (1)
Bezugsquelle: Doblinger Verlag
Manuskript (Autograf): Archiv der Zeitgenossen
Ansichtsexemplar: Österreichische Nationalbibliothek
Ansichtsexemplar: mdw - Universitätsbibliothek
"Ein frühes Klavierstück, das der Komponist einst seiner angehenden Ehefrau gewidmet hat - nun erstmals im Druck erhältlich. // "...a most approachable and playable piece. The style is lightly Romantic, although Classical references appear frequently. The composer’s Viennese heritage makes itself readily felt too, with great care taken over articulation, while one might also pick up glimpses of Fauré and Grieg along the way. The opening movement, an elegant 6/8 Allegro, has a limpid main theme which gathers up into quite an exciting dynamic close, while the second movement builds up convincingly from a simple, symmetrical melody into some beautiful flourishes before returning to the initial idea. The whimsical Presto finale has a Puckish quality to it, stemming from a prominent demisemiquaver figure, which sounds rather impressive but is easily enough managed in a single hand position. It develops well by means of some left hand octave work and leaps in register later – agein, nothing unduly untoward, and if the player is able to sustain reasonable momentum in this movement it will emerge with delightful humour. The overall ratio of trickiness to impact is very favourable and I would imagine intermediate to advanced players making relatively light work of the piece."
Piano Professional Magazine – EPTA.UK, Autumn 2013 (Doblinger Verlag), abgerufen 15.02.23 [https://www.doblinger.at/Sonatine-fuer-Traudls-Haende-1948/01-00677]
Weitere Informationen: Der zweite Satz entstammt dem 1948 komponierten und später vernichteten Streichquartett.
31. Mai 2001 - Wien
Mitwirkende: Josef Mayr (Klavier)
Empfohlene Zitierweise
mica (Aktualisierungsdatum: 15. 2. 2023): Cerha Friedrich . Sonatine für Traudl's Hände. In: Musikdatenbank von mica – music austria. Online abrufbar unter: https://db.musicaustria.at/node/124056 (Abrufdatum: 3. 2. 2025).