a theatrical musical performance for three voices, clarinet/bass clarinet and cello with objects, tapes, projections, a spatial installation and audience participation
Stimme (3), Klarinette (1, auch Bassklarinette), Violoncello (1)
"What All This Could Be" is a theatrical / performative piece of music including video, samples and a spatial installation. Revolving around the question of living and being together in the Capitalist present, the piece tries to deliver various perspectives, artistically and musically "distorted" or removed from being actual displays of actual situations, but still meaningful, semantically charged - a blackened, warped mirror full of scratches held at an angle with lifes, people and things current.
Hannes Dufek
Auftrag: ExVoCo / Expanded Voice Company Stuttgart
Klangraum Festival 2019
Mitwirkende: ExVoCo / Expanded Voice Company Stuttgart
Titel: Hannes Dufek - What All This Could Be (full performance)
Plattform: YouTube
Herausgeber: Hannes Dufek
Datum: 16.03.2020
Mitwirkende: ExVoCo / Expanded Voice Company Stuttgart
Titel: What All This Could Be (2019)
Plattform: Soundcloud
Herausgeber: Hannes Dufek
Datum: 2020
Mitwirkende: ExVoCo / Expanded Voice Company Stuttgart
Empfohlene Zitierweise
mica (Aktualisierungsdatum: 17. 2. 2021): Dufek Hannes . What All This Could Be. In: Musikdatenbank von mica – music austria. Online abrufbar unter: https://db.musicaustria.at/node/201121 (Abrufdatum: 10. 2. 2025).