Flöte (1), Klarinette (1), Saxophon (1), Trompete (1), Posaune (1), Akkordeon (1), Harfe (1), Klavier (1), Violine (1), Viola (1), Violoncello (1), Kontrabass (1)
ad Besetzung: Alle Instrumente elektronisch verstärkt.
"The piece is inspired by fictions of Argentine writer Jorge Luis Borges. As almost all his writings are related to philosophical concepts, the question of time occupies a central place in Borges’ work. He often uses the labyrinth as a metaphor to infinity. Relevantly, the musical labyrinth in the piececonsists ofmany musicalscenes or ‘rooms’ as the title suggests. Each room leads to the adjacent one in a continuous flow as the music changes its course often and abruptly, and goes inunexpected directions. In some sections of the piece, the instrumental sounds are extended with elements such as uttering syllables, producing oral noises or sounds of different objects. Moreover, the ways that the musicians perform these elements add a visualdimension to the piece. Thus, itis also appealing forthe eye."
Emre Sihan Kaleli (2021): [Werkbeschreibung], abgerufen am 16.7.2021 [http://www.impuls.cc/fileadmin/user_upload/Programme/2021/Emre_Sihan_Kaleli_Programmheft_Text_E.pdf]
Auftrag: 2019 impuls . Verein zur Vermittlung zeitgenössischer Musik, für das Klangforum Wien
16. August 2021 - Graz, Helmut List Halle
Veranstaltung: impuls Preisträgerkonzert
Mitwirkende: Klangforum Wien, Bas Wiegers (Dirigent)
Titel: Adjacent rooms, a part of a labyrinth | Wiegers & Klangforum Wien
Plattform: SoundCloud
Herausgeber: Emre Sihan Kaleli
Jahr: 2024
Mitwirkende: Klangforum Wien, Bas Wiegers (Dirigent)
Weitere Informationen: Live Mitschnitt der Uraufführung
Empfohlene Zitierweise
mica (Aktualisierungsdatum: 18. 6. 2024): Kaleli Emre Sihan . Adjacent rooms, a part of a labyrinth. In: Musikdatenbank von mica – music austria. Online abrufbar unter: https://db.musicaustria.at/node/203351 (Abrufdatum: 24. 11. 2024).