Solo: Männerstimme (1)
Saxophon (1), Tuba (1), Banjo (1), Hammondorgel (1), Maultrommel (1)
"The Gershwin broothers had a great sense of humor, too. This rarely performed song is really funny... and it has a funny line-up! The drummer's part is oerformed by a vocalis, the vocal part is performed by a drummer. T.S. Monk's deep voice spells out the lyrics, walking the line between acting and rapping; his interpretation is fresh, dynamic and hilarious. A little note for vocel-drums fans: K. Schrumpf recorded "live," using no effects, no over-dubs and a normal microphhone."
CD Booklet, American Rhapsody * A Tribute George Gershwin, Mathias Rüegg (Homepage), abgerufen am 12.01.2022 []
Titel: Vienna Art Orchestra – American Rhapsody * A Tribute To George Gershwin
Label: RCA Victor (CD, 09026-63227-2 5, 09026-63258-2)
Jahr: 1998
Mitwirkende: T.S. Monk (Stimme), Vienna Art Orchestra, Mathias Rüegg (Leitung)
Titel: The Babbit and The Bromide (From "Funny Face")
Plattorm: YouTube
Herausgeber: Vienna Art Orchestra - Thema
Datum: 25.01.2017
Mitwirkende: Vienna Art Orchestra, Mathias Rüegg (Leitung)
Weitere Informationen: BMG Music, American Rhapsody * A Tribute To George Gershwin
Empfohlene Zitierweise
mica (Aktualisierungsdatum: 10. 3. 2022): Rüegg Mathias . The Babbit and the Bromide. In: Musikdatenbank von mica – music austria. Online abrufbar unter: (Abrufdatum: 23. 1. 2025).