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# Titel Komponist:in Entstehungsjahr Dauer Gattung(en) Besetzung
53311 There is no Way to Peace Helbock David 2005–2008 Ensemblemusik Trio
53312 there is not a poach out there Gritzner Ingmar 2007 10m Sololiteratur Instrumental, Sololiteratur
53313 There Is Nothing To Me, It's Just The Band Rüegg Mathias 2004 3m 44s Ensemblemusik Soloinstrument(e), Big Band
53314 there is nothing we can do about it .no. 10 Gritzner Ingmar 2007 15m Sololiteratur Soloinstrument(e)
53315 there is nothing we can do about it .no.2 Gritzner Ingmar 2006 5m Sololiteratur Soloinstrument(e)
53316 There is nothing we can do about it .no.4 Gritzner Ingmar 2006 10m Sololiteratur Soloinstrument(e)
53317 there is nothing we can do about it .no.9 Gritzner Ingmar 2007 8m Ensemblemusik Quartett
53318 there is nothing we can do about it no.5 Gritzner Ingmar 2007 4m Sololiteratur Soloinstrument(e)
53319 there is nothing we can do about it no.6 Gritzner Ingmar 2007 6m Sololiteratur Soloinstrument(e)
53320 there is nothing we can do about it no.7 Gritzner Ingmar 2007 4m Sololiteratur Soloinstrument(e)
53321 there is nothing we can do about it no.8 Gritzner Ingmar 2007 8m Sololiteratur Soloinstrument(e)
53322 there is nothing we can do about it. no. 105 Gritzner Ingmar 2013 10m Ensemblemusik Oktett
53323 there is nothing we can do about it. no. 126 Gritzner Ingmar 2016 10m Vokalmusik Vokaloktett
53324 there is nothing we can do about it. no. 87 Gritzner Ingmar 2013 5m Vokalmusik Chor, Kammerchor
53325 there is nothing we can do about it. no1. Gritzner Ingmar 15m