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# | Titel | Komponist:in | Entstehungsjahr | Dauer | Gattung(en) | Besetzung |
36991 | Music from an Imaginary Garden - für Klavier | Stadler Monika | Musikpädagogik, Sololiteratur | Soloinstrument(e) | ||
36992 | Music Hall Suite | Horovitz Joseph | 1964 | ~ 9m | Ensemblemusik | Quintett |
36993 | Music in Five, Three and Seven | Vate Nancy Van de | 2001 | Ensemblemusik | Quartett | |
36994 | Music in my Pockets | Preissl Markus | 2008 | |||
36995 | Music is a Game | Richerts Damaris | 2020 | Ensemblemusik | ||
36996 | Music Is A Very Personal Thing, Strictly Individual | Rüegg Mathias | 2004 | Ensemblemusik | Quartett | |
36997 | Music Is A Very Personal Thing, Strictly Individual | Rüegg Mathias | 2004 | 5m 45s | Ensemblemusik | Soloinstrument(e), Big Band |
36998 | Music Is Music, That's It | Rüegg Mathias | 2004 | 5m 55s | Ensemblemusik | Soloinstrument(e), Big Band |
36999 | Music is the game of time (I-III) - Fantastisches Musiktheater | Pillinger Franz | 2000 | |||
37000 | Music Minus One | Kaufmann Dieter | 1977 | 25m | Bühnenmusik | Soloinstrument(e), Elektronik live, Zuspielung |
37001 | Music Of The Spheres Var.1 | Punzmann Christoph | 2022 | 16m | Vokalmusik, Elektronische Musik | Chor, Elektronik |
37002 | Music Of The Spheres Var.3 | Punzmann Christoph | 2023 | 6m 33s | Vokalmusik, Elektronische Musik | Chor, Elektronik, Zuspielung |
37003 | Music of wide scope | Pfandler-Pöcksteiner Markus | 2011 | Vokalmusik, Ensemblemusik, Geistliche Musik | Solostimme(n), Chor, Gemischter Chor, Oktett | |
37004 | Music overdrive | Novotny Fritz | 1987 | |||
37005 | music to sediments of an ordinary mind | Klien Volkmar | 2004 | Performance, Tanz/Ballett |