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# Titel Komponist:in Entstehungsjahr Dauer Gattung(en) Besetzung
5101 Ancient Chatter Cruz Katja 2009 1m Vokalmusik Solostimme(n)
5102 Ancient Child Nourani Tahereh 2017 ~ 40m Sololiteratur, Elektronische Musik Soloinstrument(e), Elektronik live
5103 Ancient Maze - Tape Music Liberda Bruno 1991
5104 Ancilla Domini-Messe Veit Gottfried 2012 10m 20s Ensemblemusik, Vokalmusik, Geistliche Musik Soloinstrument(e), Chor, Gemischter Chor
5105 Ancle Deep Kepl Irene 2007 4m 53s Duo
5106 ancor2000 Osojnik Maja 2000 7m Ensemblemusik, Elektronische Musik Soloinstrument(e), Zuspielung, Elektronik
5107 And All Of Your Animal Tendencies Smith Caitlin 2010 55m Vokalmusik Orchester, Solostimme(n)
5108 And at the End, there will be a Contrabass Zierhofer Markus 2014 6m Sololiteratur Soloinstrument(e)
5109 and briefly, a stable meaning Dufek Hannes 2022 Sololiteratur Soloinstrument(e)
5110 And I rose and walked Peretti Pier Damiano 2017 6m Vokalmusik Soloinstrument(e), Chor, Gemischter Chor
5111 and thank you I don't think we will meet again - sound/space/performance Essl Karlheinz 2005 Performance Elektronik
5112 And The Earth Curves Away Below Six David 2022 Ensemblemusik Quintett
5113 And The Earth Curves Away Below - Piano Version Six David 2022 Sololiteratur Soloinstrument(e)
5114 And what the Hells-berg - Trio Mancusi Guido 1998 2m 50s Ensemblemusik Trio
5115 And You Deny It Yu Yulan 2014 10m Orchestermusik Orchester, Blasorchester